Generate IBAN from a traditional bank account

If you still have an old account and need to generate the IBAN, we make it easy for you. And if you use our conversion service, even easier, because it happens automatically.

How to convert the Client Account Code to IBAN format

The CCC format, also known as the Client Account Code, is an old format used by some banks to identify customers' bank accounts. However, the CCC format is no longer used in most countries and has been replaced by the IBAN format, an international standard for bank account identification.

To convert your CCC account number to a valid IBAN account number, simply enter your CCC account number in the corresponding field and click 'Convert'. Our conversion tool will automatically generate a valid IBAN account number that you can use for international bank transfers.

Remember that using the correct account number format is essential to ensure smooth bank transfers. With our bank account conversion tool, you can make sure your bank account is in the right format for international transfers.

Account Number Converter

Enter your CCC account number details for conversion.

Once you have a valid IBAN account number, you can use SEPA Converter to generate SEPA XML files required by banks for issuing debits.

If you have a list of customers and amounts, you can generate these files in batches from an Excel file. Use our trial plan to ensure SEPA Converter fits your needs.